
(2) Specification of unit (A) Specification by manufacturer The manufacturer of a drug or biological shall specify the unit associated with each National Drug Code (including package size) as part of the submission of data under section 1396r–8(b)(3)(A)(iii) of this title or subsection (f)(2), as applicable. (B) Unit defined In this section, the term “unit” means, with respect to each National Drug Code (including package size) associated with a drug or biological, the lowest identifiable quantity (such as a capsule or tablet, milligram of molecules, or grams) of the drug or biological that is dispensed, exclusive of any diluent without reference to volume measures pertaining to liquids. For years after 2004, the Secretary may establish the unit for a manufacturer to report and methods for counting units as the Secretary determines appropriate to implement this section.


42 USC § 1395w-3a(b)(2)

Scoping language

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