allowable risk corridor costs

(1) Computation of adjusted allowable risk corridor costs (A) In general For purposes of this subsection, the term “adjusted allowable risk corridor costs” means, for a plan for a coverage year (as defined in subsection (b)(4))— (i) the allowable risk corridor costs (as defined in subparagraph (B)) for the plan for the year, reduced by (ii) the sum of (I) the total reinsurance payments made under subsection (b) to the sponsor of the plan for the year, and (II) the total subsidy payments made under section 1395w–114 of this title to the sponsor of the plan for the year. (B) Allowable risk corridor costs For purposes of this subsection, the term “allowable risk corridor costs” means, with respect to a prescription drug plan offered by a PDP sponsor or an MA–PD plan offered by an MA organization, the part of costs (not including administrative costs, but including costs directly related to the dispensing of covered part D drugs during the year) incurred by the sponsor or organization under the plan that are actually paid (net of discounts, chargebacks, and average percentage rebates) by the sponsor or organization under the plan, but in no case more than the part of such costs that would have been paid under the plan if the prescription drug coverage under the plan were basic prescription drug coverage, or, in the case of a plan providing supplemental prescription drug coverage, if such coverage were basic prescription drug coverage taking into account the adjustment under section 1395w–111(c)(2) of this title . In computing allowable costs under this paragraph, the Secretary shall compute such costs based upon imposition under paragraphs (1)(D) and (2)(E) of section 1395w–114(a) of this title of the maximum amount of copayments permitted under such paragraphs.


42 USC § 1395w-115(e)(1)

Scoping language

For purposes of this subsection
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