net deemed tangible income return

(2) Net deemed tangible income return The term “net deemed tangible income return” means, with respect to any United States shareholder for any taxable year, the excess of— (A) 10 percent of the aggregate of such shareholder’s pro rata share of the qualified business asset investment of each controlled foreign corporation with respect to which such shareholder is a United States shareholder for such taxable year (determined for each taxable year of each such controlled foreign corporation which ends in or with such taxable year of such United States shareholder), over (B) the amount of interest expense taken into account under subsection (c)(2)(A)(ii) in determining the shareholder’s net CFC tested income for the taxable year to the extent the interest income attributable to such expense is not taken into account in determining such shareholder’s net CFC tested income.


26 USC § 951A(b)(2)

Scoping language

For purposes of this section
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